ITALY 2024

ITALY 2024

This was a wonderful trip, and we all had a fantastic time. The weather was lovely and the sights extremely interesting.

Day one saw us visiting Venice and after an eventful trip on a Vaporetto (water bus), we landed in St Mark’s Square. The Doge’s place was magnificent, and you could easily spend the day in this one building. Afterwards we wandered around the Basilica where some of us made our way to the rooftop to enjoy the amazing views.

The next day saw us visiting Vicenza. The “Teatro Olimpico” light and music presentation was stunning. Some of the group took a site-seeing walk around the town while others visited the market area.

Verona was next, with a trip to the ancient amphitheatre known as the Arena. Afterwards, people made their own way around the town. Some visiting “Juliet’s Balcony” while others walked along the Adige River and across the “Ponte Pietre Bridge.” From here we had wonderful views of the hilltop castle and the remains of the original roman theatre.

On our final day we visited Castelfranco, a delightful town which displayed some interesting artwork!   This was followed by a visit to the winery near the “Villa Di Maser” where we indulged in a delicious lunch.  Our final stop was to the Villa De Maser to view its beautiful Frescos.

All too soon it was time for home.

Thanks must go to Bob Reeve and Clare Clayton for the wonderful organisation. Thanks also to the group members who all gelled so well.

We are all looking forward to the next one!



Member Moo Leng Loakes, treated us to a wonderful and highly entertaining talk on the traditions of the Chinese New Year.

Moo Leng shared stories from her youth, explained the significance  of each day of the festival.

The talk ended with us making and tossing a “happy salad” as we called out our wishes for the future. 

Many Thanks Moo Leng. 

1st FRIDAY  TALKS – My Father Was A Spy

1st FRIDAY TALKS – My Father Was A Spy

Our professional speaker for March was an old friend of FU3A – Mike Randall, who had spoken to us on several occasions previously, including via Zoom during the Lockdown in 2020.

Mike is an highly engaging speaker and we were treated to His t “My Father was a Spy”.  He told  us about his dad’s 27 years in the Army during which time he was captured by the Germans.  While in prison he learned to speak fluent German and Russian which led to his work after the War with the Foreign Office.  His regular overseas postings, where he was able to use his language skills, proved to be of great benefit to this country during the Cold War period, working with Counter-Intelligence.

Everyone who attended was gripped by the talk. Thank You very much Mike, until the next time!!

Below are the Books Mike mentioned



Our three badminton groups meet in  Ferndown Village hall each week. Players of all standards enjoy keeping fit in a friendly and informal atmosphere.

Thanks to all our group leaders: Paul Ellis, Pat Meldrum and Pam Dickinson