Saturday Walk

Saturday Walk

“23 members (and 2 dogs) walked and climb up on Ramsdown Hill on Saturday the 9th October on a Z5 Short Saturday Walk.

The weather was kind and the sun shone all the time, breaking through the early morning mist.

The walk was a shorter one than usual but with the bonus of excellent views over Bournemouth to the South and the airport to the North, from the top of the Hill.

A pleasant alternative route was followed on the way back down from the hill, to extend the walk slightly.

On completion around half the group adjourned to the near-by Avon Causeway Hotel for a well-deserved coffee.”



K19 Golf Group   Thursday 30th September 2021

On a fairly unsettled day, four intrepid golfers from the Golf group ventured out on to the fairly open golf course at Parley Golf Centre.

Despite the high, blustery wind and some intermittent drizzle, our golfers readied themselves to conquer the course, unlike our European friends recently!

Even though our balls sometimes did not reach the ‘highs’ of the aircraft taking off nearby, a good time was had by all and we look forward to teeing off again next month on October 20th at the Christchurch Golf Course.



Opening Morning 17th September 2021

Opening Morning 17th September 2021

Over 80 members attended the first FU3A Open Meeting at the Barrington Centre last Friday.  This was a Coffee Morning opportunity to meet up with old friends and new members, at the first face to face gathering we have been able to hold.

Chairman Bob Reeve welcomed everyone back and spoke about the FU3A plans for the coming year and the continuing refurbishment of the Barrington Centre.  Richard Tucker outlined the dates proposed by the Visits and Events sub-committee and Keith Banks gave an account of the monies raised for our Charity of the Year to date.

It was generally agreed how nice it was to be able to talk to people in person again!