Well, Happy Valentines Day to everyone. As it has been extremely cold this last week, and the ground has been frozen, I have been concentrating on a few other jobs.

Firstly, I have been preparing all the compost from my hot bins (see photo 1), which is about 6 months old. Hot bins make great compost in 6 months in the winter, 3 months in the summer. I will use this to plant up my potatoes in potato bags at the end of Feb. See photo 2 for it ready to use.

Secondly, my new greenhouse should be finished in a week, so my conservatory and garden room are full of plants waiting to go into this new greenhouse. Earlier in autumn, I had taken root cuttings from eryngium, lupin, hollyhock, echinacea, gypsophilia and asters, so this week I have repotted these on into larger pots, as they have developed nice roots. Photo 3 shows some of these. The leaf cuttings I took last autumn from pelargoniums and fuchsias are now ready for repotting, when I have the space to do so. Photo 4 shows my crammed garden room.

Thirdly, I did manage a quick foray into the garden, to put in a bean trench. Beans and peas require lots of organic matter and mulch for their roots, so dig in as much as you can. If you don’t have a compost heap, just dig in some kitchen scraps (not meat) and newspaper, at the bottom of the trench. Whilst doing this, I came across several acorns that squirrels had stored for the winter, which had started to develop their taproot. So I’ve planted these on into pots (the taproot grows first, so just plant to acorn with the taproot down). Sure they will make a lovely present for someone who wants to commemorate a loved one.

Happy gardening