Well at last the weather has stopped being below freezing at night (just), so time to get stuff out of the greenhouse/garden room, to the outside to harden off. Photo 1 shows some dwarf French beans and beetroot grown earlier in pots. These will ripen earlier than seeds planted into the ground (still too early for beans), so will mean you will have beans etc over a longer period in the summer/autumn.
Photo 2 shows some overwintered onions (I have shallots and garlic too), which are doing well, and should be ready by the end of May, allowing me to plant more salad crops etc as soon as they are harvested.
With the extra space released in the greenhouse, I have been putting my tomatoes, peppers, chillies, cucumber and tomatillos into larger pots, as shown in photo 3.
Around the garden, the fresh new leaves on my hydrangeas were ‘burnt’ by the overnight frosts, as shown in photo 4, but they should recover OK. My wisteria and montana clematis in my (south-facing) front garden are doiong really well, and should be in full flower in the next couple of weeks, and photo 5 shows the main garden flower beds also doing really well. Lupins really loving it, as well as agapanthus, foxgloves and anemones.
We have the 4 Greenfingers meetings this Wed/Thurs when we will be potting up some hanging baskets and finally the sweet peas.