Easter Skittles

Easter Skittles

The winners from todays skittles event were Paul Ellis who took the crown as the overall skittles winner.  Eileen Gibbs took the wooden spoon, closely contended by Derek Holden but finally  decided by an extra round!!
Julian Daniel was the last man standing with the killer game.
Margaret and Derek Holden and Debbie our skittle putter upper won the team game
It was enjoyed by everyone as always.
We are hoping to arrange another before the beginning of the new U3A year in July/August – Keep a look out for the email.

Carole Ward



Dear Members,

Many members have been asking about the skittles that we arrange at the Three Cross pub.

I have just spoken to the Pub and have been told they are very busy at the moment without the skittle alley being open. They advised me that the skittle alley required a lot of work before they could reopen it and I was advised to call back after September.

I will keep you updated and when the situation changes arrange a session.

Carole Ward