A big thank you to everyone who participated yesterday and to all who have made a donation. Thanks to your generosity a total of £550 has been raised, which with gift aid amounts to £617.50. The Just Giving page remains open if anyone else wishes to make a donation. The cup cake competition was won by Margaret Holden, with Jo Brearley a very close second.  Well done everyone!

Thanks again.




We just managed to squeeze in our socially distance “live” session before Lockdown. It was a fun couple of days and  a lovely change from meeting on zoom. Everyone was determined to make as many items as they could. Below is a selection of the results



GOLF 1940

GOLF 1940

Golf was still being played at the Richmond, England, golf course while the Luftwaffe dropped bombs on it.

In 1940 the Luftwaffe air force dropped bombs on the golf course in Richmond. Now, you’d think that would stop golfers from playing there, but that wasn’t the case. They just had new rules made:

That’s how important a match of golf was for them. Pretty crazy.

Gly Bosanko 










Last game before Lockdown 2 




On Friday 23rd October a group of hardy gardeners met in  Kevin Steele’s garden to create bird boxes and garden planters. Armed with saws, drills and hammers, the team spent the morning developing their skills with great results. The bird boxes were hinged to enabling year on year cleaning and the holes ensured entry for only smaller birds.

Thank you to Kevin for arranging this was event with proceeds going to our charity of the year: MACMILLAN CARING LOCALLY.

HANGING BASKETS – Colour for Winter

HANGING BASKETS – Colour for Winter

Kevin Steele gave us a chance to brighten up those winter days with floral hanging baskets. During the session he explained the process of layering the bulbs and plants to provide colour throughout the Winter.

As a novice in this area, I found the session to be extremely informative as well as enjoyable. It was a chance to beneficially get your hands dirty on a beautiful Autumn morning. We worked from defined areas in his garden which gave the opportunity for social distancing and compliance with the “rule of six.”

Thanks must go to Kevin for providing his plants and bulbs for the baskets which generated further funds for Charity.

Anne Hutton