Global Warming / Climate Change – Part Two

Global Warming / Climate Change – Part Two

Over 70 members came to the Main Hall at the Barrington Centre on Friday 1st November to hear Douglas Lock’s second talk on Global Warming “Is it too late?”
His definite answer was “no it’s not too late if we all help to save energy and natural resources in our own small way – it will all help”. Douglas is a very experienced lecturer and gave an extremely thought provoking, illustrated and animated talk. He had also invited to the hall representatives of Dorset Council, Plastic Free Ferndown and other recycling organisations who displayed their leaflets and ideas on energy conservation and recycling etc which aroused a lot of interest with the members who were there.

Bournemouth Half Marathon

Bournemouth Half Marathon

Congratulations to Peter Ashley who ran the Bournemouth Half Marathon on Sunday 6th October in a time of 2 hours 15 mins.  Peter  raised an amazing £240 for Parkinsons UK.  Peter explained  “I supported that Charity because my Mum suffered from Parkinsons and it made the last years of her life miserable.”

Wareham Forest October 2019

Wareham Forest October 2019

This interesting walk through Wareham Forest on the Sika Deer Trail was well attended by 27 intrepid explorers making their way around the 4.5 / 5 mile circuit, through some very varied countryside, from

Pine woods to open country with views across real peat bogs. A warm welcome was given to a lot of the walkers who took a pleasant lunch afterwards at the “Silent Woman Inn”. ( No comment needed !)

Our First Cinema Visit

Our First Cinema Visit

As a departure from our usual outings, we thought we would see if there was any interest in a visit to the local Tivoli cinema in Wimborne.

Yes, it was of interest and 32 Ferndown U3A members made the visit on September 30th to see the film of the 2009 National Theatre production of ‘One Man, Two Guvnors’ starring James Cordon.

A highly entertaining evening was had by all, ‘extremely funny’ hardly does justice to the howls of laughter. It was clear why Corden won his award on Broadway with this production, a brilliant performance with an outstanding support cast.

Richard Tucker

Visits & Events

1st Friday Coffee Morning 4.10.19

1st Friday Coffee Morning 4.10.19

“60 members attended the opening meeting of the year, of the 1st Friday Coffee Mornings.  This was a very interesting presentation was given by Roy Norton on his 50 year career in television for the BBC and ITV. Roy started off as a camera man and finished up as a television director.

His talk was packed with photos and video clips, many of outstanding events during those years from the very first ITV adverts to Sir Winston Churchill’s funeral and Charles and Dianne’s Wedding, right up to date with recent EuroVision recordings. All of which were like a trip down memory lane for all those present. An excellent start to our new season.”