Well, another busy week in the garden, especially as the weather is so nice. Firstly, my new greenhouse is now full (picture 1) of leaf and root cuttings, bulbs and corms planted, plus seeds germinated, all items previously mentioned.
Secondly, I have planted up some of my potatoes in sacks (photo 2), including the single anya potato for the competition. I will be planted a lot more into the raised beds next week.
Thirdly, I have been planting a lot more seeds in the garden room. These include flowers – marigold, pelargonium, alyssum, cosmos (exclude light), lobelia etc, plus some climbers like Spanish Flag, Morning Glory and Black-eyed Susan. Also lots more vegetables like leeks, spring onions, lettuce, radish, salsify, pak choi etc. Tomatoes (and tomatillos), chillies and cucumbers have already been going for a few weeks. Still too early for my peas, beans, sweetcorn. Photo 3 is of the full garden room.
Finally, unless things get changed by Boris, current COVID restrictions allow meetings outside (including in gardens) with up to 6 people, from 29March. Given that many of you have had at least your first jab, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in meeting in my garden on Wed 31March (if rules don’t change). Could you please respond either yes or no as soon as possible please, so I can gauge numbers.
Happy gardening, there is lots to do in the garden!!