FU3A Bridge Group Leaders and Committee members formed an unlikely cavalcade through the streets of Ferndown last week  –  they had gone to the Barrington Centre to remove the bridge tables and other items prior to the Theatre closing for refurbishment.

However, the graphic arts white board had to be dismantled and would fit in Bob Reeve’s car only by leaving the tail-gate open  –  so the cars had to proceed slowly in convoy with their emergency lights flashing!All the tables are now safely stored in the King George V Centre, where our bridge Groups will be meeting once FU3A is open for business again.

International Study Trip: Gerona & Barcelona April 2018

International Study Trip: Gerona & Barcelona April 2018

Our Course began with four study sessions cover the History, Geography and Cultural development of this part of Spain. It was then off on an amazing trip.  We spent the first day touring the city of Gerona,  the Cathedral and winding alleyways. A climb to the top of the city walls enabled a stunning view of the countryside.

The next day we set of to Barcelona where we were able to enjoy the amazing architecture of Antoni Gaudi as we toured around, the highlight being the Sagrada Familia. Our final day was spend driving through the countryside and visiting the home of Salvador Dali.

This was a wonderfully organised event enjoyed by all.



Discovering Wessex – Dorchester

Discovering Wessex – Dorchester

Out outing began with a conducted tour of the the town where we were introduced to the towns Roman History. The mosaics were well worth seeing. We also passed the Statue of Thomas Hardy and discussed the setting for books. It was the then on the the river walk and back past St Peter’s Church into the Corn Exchange.