Last Night of the Proms!

Last Night of the Proms!

Music Appreciation Group


The Music Appreciation Group met on Thursday 19th September for their first session.  ‘Last Night at the Proms’ was the theme for the afternoon.  The music choice loosely followed the world-famous ‘Henry Wood Proms’ at the Albert Hall – series of concerts held during the summer months.

We enjoyed various musical pieces in the first half of the session then, after a short tea and coffee break, we entered into the spirit of the ‘last night’ by waving flags and singing with gusto!  Everyone enjoyed the session and left with rosy cheeks!

Air Ambulance – Airbase Day

Air Ambulance – Airbase Day

What a fantastic day!  On 14th September 2019 members of Ferndown U3A presented the Somerset and Dorset Air Ambulance with a cheque for £3888. The monies raised by members over the year for our chosen charity. Thank you everyone who supported the fund raising events.

For more details about our  Charity of the Year CLICK HERE


Five Mile Walking Group

Five Mile Walking Group

On 20th September 27 members of the Five Mile Walking Group visited the Stour Valley Nature Reserve on the outskirts of Bournemouth. On a warm and sunny morning new member Peter Ashley took these photos. The group meets on the third Friday of every month, starting at 10 am and finishing with an optional pub lunch. New recruits are always welcome. Contact Ian Burr on 07501 049199 or – or look for details of the next walk on the notice board at the Barrington Centre.


Ian Burr

K19 – GOLF

K19 – GOLF

Our inaugural meeting at Somerley on Friday 20th September 2019 was a complete success and we had a great afternoon. Not only were we able to share some beautiful weather but we were also able to make friends and have a good laugh.   And at the end of the day, did the golf we played actually matter?

If anyone reading this would like to join our band of merry golfers, please get in touch.

Until then, keeeeeep swinging!

Glyn Bosanko

What a great way to start our new year!…….

What a great way to start our new year!…….

On Friday nearly 50 of our new members met with your Committee to see how FU3A works, and heard about the Website (Anne Hutton), Using Beacon (Malcolm Gill), Group J1 Discovering Dorset (Keith Banks), and Future Events (Derek Holden). All agreed these were helpful and interesting presentations.  During the morning, Moo Leng Loakes our 600th member, was presented with free membership for the coming year.

Don’t forget the Opening Friday ‘Ferndown Quiz’ on September 20th with Rodger Pettengell – this will be in the Main Hall at the Barrington from 09:45, with the usual free tea/coffee available before the quiz starts.
I hope your own programme of chosen Groups gets off to a good start, and wish you another enjoyable year with FU3A.

Bob Reeve, Chairman